Morrissey VS. The Queen

Μαΐου 26, 2011

Ένας από τους λόγους που οι περισσότεροι εκτιμούν τον Morrissey πέραν της μουσικής του είναι ότι δεν φοβήθηκε ποτέ να τα πεί έξω από τα δόντια. Έτσι αφού αρχικά τα έβαλε με τον βασιλικό γάμο, σειρά είχε η βασίλισσα της Αγγλίας, μην διστάζοντας να την παρομοιάσει ακόμα και με τον στρατηγό Καντάφι. Δήλωσε λοιπόν στην ιρλανδέζικη "Hot Press" :

"The Queen's visit to Ireland is part of a new Palace PR campaign to re-invent the Windsors. The message from The Queen will be the same as ever: who we are born to is more important than what we achieve in life. The very existence of The Queen and her now enormous family – all supported by the British taxpayer whether the British taxpayer likes it or not – is entirely against any notion of democracy, and is against freedom of speech. For a broad historical view of what The Queen is and how she "rules", examine Gaddafi or Mubarak, and see if you can spot any difference. You won't be able to...
... The Queen also has the power to give back six counties to the Irish people, allowing Ireland to be a nation once again. The fact that she has not done so is Fascism in full flow. What else could it be? Name one other European country that is controlled by its neighbor."

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